
Going Green

  • December 18, 2023Going Green

    When I was a kid, my mom used to hang our laundry out to dry and I always loved the fresh-air smell it took on. As I’ve worked towards becoming more “green” I’ve realized that using a clothesline is actually a win-win situation…better for the environment, and great for the old sniffer! So, recently I

  • May 4, 2012Going Green

    It’s funny how easy it is to pick up a bad habit, like eating a handful of fun size Snickers as an afternoon snack because you’ve rationalized that the peanuts inside actually make it healthy. But a good habit can be tough to form. Going green is the perfect example. I can’t tell you how

  • May 3, 2012Going Green

    As a working mom I always try to find ways to be “present” at home during the times when I am not actually there. One way that I do this is through cooking. In truth, I don’t only cook for my family because I want them to know how much I love them, it’s also

  • May 3, 2012Going Green

    In my continued effort to become more and more green, I thought I would find ways to make this Thanksgiving as environmentally friendly as possible. My intentions were good when I walked out the door to hit up Whole Foods the morning before the big day, but halfway there I realized I had forgotten my

  • January 23, 2012Going Green

    I have exciting news! After only ONE blog on the subject of going green, I have received a question from one of The Stay at Homer’s loyal followers, Emily Finnelly, and I am thrilled to answer it. Emily writes: Dear Stay at Homer and his Going Green wife, I love the new website. Easy to
