

  • February 18, 2012Post

    It’s nice when I get contacted and asked if I could review a book. I like free books. I do make sure to let them know that if I think it’s garbage, then I won’t write a review about it and will happily mail it back to them so they can ship it off to

  • January 23, 2012Going Green

    I have exciting news! After only ONE blog on the subject of going green, I have received a question from one of The Stay at Homer’s loyal followers, Emily Finnelly, and I am thrilled to answer it. Emily writes: Dear Stay at Homer and his Going Green wife, I love the new website. Easy to

  • October 18, 2011Post

    This is a trick question. Pantry moths are actually not of this world. They can’t “be gotten rid of.” Sorry. You could literally plant a nuclear bomb in the infested area, detonate it, come back a week later and see a moth or five hanging around the wreckage. I’m into the 3rd week or so
